I went to a business lunch today.
I wasn't sure what to expect. These things can be somewhat grim at times. Great at others.
Anyway, it turns out that they have a guest speaker.
A clairvoyant.
And she was an excellent speaker. She seemed very straight and genuine - and modest.
I did have the thought that she might have hypnotised us all.
But even if she did, we are all entitled to a little hypnosis-fuelled fantasy now and then aren't we?
By the end I had made up my mind I was going to go for a reading.
But my intention to book something in was thwarted when I got talking to my neighbour at the dinner table.
She's only having singing lessons!
In the town I live in!!
So before you could shake Filbert Fox's tail once, I've got the name and the number of the teacher.
I might still go and see the clairvoyant though.
She might be able to tell me if I'm ever going to be famous.
She might even offer a few clues as to how the Blues will do the rest of the season.
After looking for at least 5 minutes into the clairvoyants eyes I have completely forgotten what I was going to write.