Thursday, 28 May 2009

When The Penny Drops

You know how sometimes you have two parallel things going on in your head?

And how if you actually put those two things together you realise there is a connection?

And then the penny drops?

Well so it was for me last night when my lover was talking about the FA Cup Final.

For I suddenly realised we are going to be out.

We are going here.

My lover has been going for years and we are planning a trip with various members of his family.

What a dilemma.

Never a girl to be beaten, however, I have sent a polite email to the organisers to find out if they will have any coverage of the match there.

If not I'll be needing that dropped penny and a few more to buy some new batteries for my pocket radio.


  1. Enjoy the show. It will be better than watching Chelsea's imigrant shirkers kicking a piece of leather and diving like a synchronised swimmer.

  2. Never a girl to be beaten, however, I have sent a polite email to the organisers to find out if they will have any coverage of the match there.
    sofa protector cover
    couch seat covers
