Thursday, 15 April 2010

Hurry up 'Arry....come on!

Is a song by this lot.

It's HL again this evening. I'm standing in because we've got family (GB's little girl-22 and my little boy-28 round atm.

I wondered what to write about tonight and then I thought about my day. A busy and productive round of keeping house. A task I've always adored.

Today I washed, cooked and listened to more serious commentators than Mr Parry talk about a rare event for Spurs. A fabulous victory over the bloody Arse, their sworn enemy and GB and Junior-Gooner's favorite Prem Side. People are saying it was the Match of the Season. I tend to agree.

100mph football with White Hart Lane claiming 87% of the possession over the last 10 minutes.

Quite rightly, GB and JG are sad about this event but listening to the amazing atmosphere in a certain North London Stadium last night, I feel that maybe, just maybe, Harry might be back next season looking at winning trophies. That'll be two years in a row for southern teams then, if things don't fall apart for Chelsea this weekend.



When I was thinking up stuff for tonight's blog, I looked for inspiration on You Tube. Nothing
suggested itself but I thought this was quite heartwarming as a most watched video ?

1 comment:

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