Friday, 20 April 2007

Rooting For Those Foxes

It's a big day tomorrow for The Foxes. They play Preston North End.

Preston North End sound a bit indecisive to me. For a start they couldn't seem to settle on one name. Should it be Preston? Or Preston North? Or North End? Oh lets have them all. They have four nicknames too - The Lilywhites, The Invincibles, North Enders and The Guild. Clearly they could not decide whether sanitary towels, puppets from Thunderbirds, characters from a dodgy northern soap opera or a firm of bouncers was most suitable.

Milan Madaric has arranged free buses to encourage the fans there. Everyone is going. Imagine the atmosphere. A day trip to Preston. You can see what they have got to look forward to here.

I'd like to be going myself of course. Unfortunately I have to have my roots done.

Fingers crossed for them though, eh.


  1. George
    Loved that drive around. Come on you foxes !

  2. Looks like we're safe then.

    When's your first game?
    I'll buy you a pint.

    How long before you end up like this?

    Check "On your knees nutter"

  3. When are you going to give this up, Joe?

  4. SS: Bet you are glad you don't live in Preston!

    Eric: Welcome. Great news eh. My first win today since becoming a fan!
    Loved the post about Bernie.

  5. anonymous: You seem confused. Is Joe as foxy as me?
