Wednesday, 21 May 2008

What's The Carbon Footprint Of A Cuddle?

I'm sorry for my absence yesterday. I didn't get home until 12.30 this morning after going to watch my lover's son's band.

I was going to post about a conversation I had with my Dad tonight. It went something like this (phone called happened at half time in the Champion's League Cup match);

Georgina: Are you watching the Champion's League final?
Georgina's Dad: No. Why would I do a thing like that?
Georgina: Loads of people are watching it. And I know you have been known to watch the odd big match
Georgina's Dad: I don't even know who's playing

Georgina then proceeds to explain to Dad who is playing and the importance of the match, and so on and so forth.

Georgina's Dad: What I don't understand is why two Engish teams have gone all the way to Moscow. What sort of carbon footprint must that match have. I know someone who got fined for having his recycling bin too full. Where's the sense in that?
He's got a point.

Anyway, like I said, I'm not going to post about that.

Instead I want to talk about (of course) THE match.

Of the two I wanted the ManUre to win, although as the game went on I couldn't bear the thought of someone losing. So after the drama of the penalty shootout, whilst I enjoyed the celebrations of the ManUre (even if Ronaldo is the biggest drama queen out), I couldn't help but be touched by the distress of the Chelsea players.

John Terry (who to be fair I don't much care for usually) was inconsolable.

But the fascinating thing for me was seeing how that toadian rhino of a man Avram Grant comforted him with such sensitivity. He gave him a right old cuddle.

Well several actually.

I thought "What an amazing scene."

And then I thought "That cuddle's got one hell of a carbon footprint."


  1. They clearly do a lot of cuddling in Wyoming!

  2. good match wanit ?


  3. Couldn't bear the prospect of either team losing? I couldn't bear the sight fo either team winning!!

    Terry is just as bad as ronaldo. Much horrible, cheating, crying little babies.

    Avram grant is a breath of fresh air to that Chelsea team. Just a pity he'll be out of a job in a few weeks.

    Terry needs to grow up!!!

  4. I know just what you mean. Agree with you about Terry and Ronaldo. And Avram Grant. Didn't even last the few weeks tho did he bless him!
