Sunday, 15 June 2008

Happy Memories

It is something of a relief today not having the pressure of two consecutive matches to try to watch, although of course having the 2 Group A matches played at the same time causes it's own complications. Obviously there is much more at stake in the Czech/Turkey match as whoever wins goes through to the quarter finals as group runner up.

Other than that it was looking like a quiet footballing day until my daughter came over. She spent yesterday at a football coaching course. She works at a school for boys with behavioural problems and so is learning so she can teach them. Having heard all about that, at my lover's invitation she selected some tracks from his music collection to burn onto a disc, one of which was this.

What has that got to do with football I hear you ask? Well, every Foxes fan who has visited the Walkers will know it is the tune they play when Leicester City score a goal.

My it seems a long time since I heard that!

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