Thursday, 21 August 2008

Lost In The Wilderness

I'd like to avoid talking about you-know-what but you can't really can you?

What a shambles.

I don't agree with people that it is a lack of passion on the part of the England players. I do think they lack confidence and belief as a team though. Partly because of how badly things have gone in recent times and partly because they know as well as we do that the formula simply isn't right.

This is about strategy and tactics. There was no evidence that the players were not following Capello's instructions. There was just no evidence that they all had a shared understanding of what they were supposed to be doing in any given situation.

They just seemed lost.

I feel ill just thinking about it so lets move on to nicer things.

Like our upcoming match against Tranmere Rovers on Saturday.

A team with a proud history it would seem, having boasted such renowned players as Dixie, Bunny, Pongo and Nibbler.

In addition to the Dixie, Bunny, Pongo and Nibbler era, which would seem to have been something of a heyday, they have also had what Wikipedia describes as a "wilderness period" - which lasted forty seven years!

I wonder if this season will be described in the future as a 'wilderness period' for the Foxes.

If so - let's hope it doesn't last that long.


  1. "no evidence that they all had a shared understanding of what they were supposed to be doing".

    Yup. Because they all play for different teams, so don't practise as a unit anywhere near often enough. See my comment on the previous post.

  2. The first word our England manager uttered when he gathered the squad together was CRAP. He has not bothered to extend his vocabulary since even though he promised to be fluent in our language in 3 months.
    The Foxes V's Tranmere. Should be no problem Georgie. Swindon beat them 3-1 and we then got hammered at Cheltenham. I will watch the result with interest. I am off to Bournemouth tomorrow for a break from footbal so I might go and watch them play!!

  3. so what happened to Swindon yesterday?

  4. Sod Swindon. What happened to Spurs? Come on, losing to the forces of darkness? Useless flipping Cockneys.
