Monday, 27 October 2008

Horrah For That Man!

According to Third Sector, the charity newsletter, Rob Green the Westham goalkeeper is a runner-up Celebrity Charity Champion.

He spent his summer holiday this year raising more than 30k for the African Medical Research Foundation by climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.

The other strength of his contribution is the way he has used his celebrity status to attract publicity for the project, as well as linking football-playing street kids into the charity by providing a great role model.

I don't know about you but I think that is pretty groovy.

Which is more than can be said for the two goals he let in yesterday against the Arse.


  1. It's always nice to see and doesn't get as much publicity as it should. The Ashley Cole and Joey Barton type headlines are much better copy than Robert Green doing that or Marcus Bent, Titus Bramble, Andy Johnson et al doing the A-Star thing last season.

  2. Indeed, good on that man.

    I blogged about something similar a while back...Dirk Kuyt, for example, runs a global foundation (and, I believe, gives a chunk of his wages to it), Villa & Barcelona use their shirts to promote good causes etc.
