Saturday, 25 October 2008

Ol' Big 'Ed Returns?

Is Phil Brown, the Hull City manager, the new Brian Clough?

This is a question posed to me by my lover earlier today.

I can see the cynicism on your face already. "Phil Brown is nothing like him" I hear you saying.

And certainly they seem to be very different men. Phil Brown seems a modest, self-effacing man whereas Brian Clough - well wasn't.

I think what my lover is actually referring to is the way Cloughy took a bunch of very ordinary players and through a combination of skills development, tactics and most importantly instilling self belief, led them not just from League 2 to League 1 (Championship to Premiership in new money), but on to win back to back victories in Europe.

It is early days still of course but Hull's current position in the top three of the Premiership is absolutely remarkable and the product of some notable, unexpected and against-all-odds victories.

It has to be more than simply luck. There is a pattern of consistency and they have had some really tough fixtures.

Like I say though, it is early days and my response to my lover will probably be "Not yet"

Might be worth watching this space though......................


  1. I am going to Hull on Wednesday... can't wait!!

  2. Hull's position is quite remarkable. Try to keep it!
