Thursday, 13 November 2008

Doing It In Style


Have you heard the rumour that the Special One might be coming back to England?

It seems he has fallen out of love with the Italian press - or rather they have fallen out of love with him - despite his team being top of Serie A.

Anyway, the gossip is he will come back to manage Manchester City.

Although Mark Hughes seems very unsure about that.

Hard to imagine anyone falling out of love with Mourhino really.
"But what about your lover?" I hear you say.

Well fortunately I have been researching some Mourhino style tips for him.

It might be a challenge though for a man who has vowed never to wear a tie again for the rest of his life.


  1. Yes Georgie you are quite right he is coming back to England.
    He is going to replace Malpass at Swindon.
    Did I hear you say "Dream on"?

  2. If Mourhino comes to Swindon I'll become a Robins fan!
