Saturday, 22 November 2008

Lady Lumps, Testicles And Crocodile Penis

Well it's been a busy and interesting day in the Football League.

A win for the Foxes. A shocking defeat for the Arse. Chelsea held to a draw at home by Newcastle and the come back kids Hull holding Pompey to a draw.

The thrills and spills of the football world never stop do they. Especially for those directly involved

Unless of course you are a WAG who chooses to opt out of mainstream society for a bit and go into the jungle.

Have you been watching "I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here"?

I have to say reality TV is not really my thing usually. But against my better judgment I have been drawn into the fascinating dynamics of this series.

Carly Zucker (wife of Chel$ea player Joe Cole) and Nicola McLean (fiancee of the Posh's Tom Williams) have been strutting their stuff. Carly has made less of an impression but Ms McLean has shown herself to be quite a woman. In more ways than one.

She is clearly gutsy and determined. And has the most amazing pair of - as they like to call them on Talk Sport - "lady lumps" (no jealousy there of course).

So while her lover's team was winning 2 -1 against Colchester, she was far more interested in just how much juice does spurt out when you bite into a whichetty bug.

Those things they eat............... Crocodile penis. Fish eyes. Kangaroo testicles.

Please remind me if ever I get famous not, under any circumstances, to be tempted to go on that or any other such show.


  1. I would!! And Joe and Carly don't get married till next year.

    Plus I hate 'silicon' eheheh

  2. Maybe I haven't seen enough of the show lately to have witnessed any redeeming behaviours or qualities (lumps excepted)...but McLean just seems like a pain in the bahooky and Zucker doesn't appear to have two brain cells to rub together. They're not exactly doing a great PR job for the WAG sorority.

    But just in case I'm wrong, I'll force myself to watch more telly...
