Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Opportunity Knocks

One pearl of wisdom I gleaned from my management course is that every threat is also an opportunity.

Of course a cynic might argue it's a head game to get you to face horrible things.

I guess you'll have to make your own mind up about that.

Applying this theory to England's friendly international against Germany this evening, the lack of Gerrard, Ferdinand, Rooney, Heskey, Walcott et al should be seen as an absolute gift from God (God not having far to send that gift at the moment as he is in Scotland).

All those little wannabes - pretenders to the throne - finally getting their chance.

And Papa Cappello watching on.

Opportunity Knocks!


  1. Talking about wannabees what the heck was Carson playing at last night. He could see the german bearing down on Terry and all he had to do was shout "Away Away" for the ball to be booted over the stand. If we pick Carson again let's hope it's Frank next time!!
    "It's the way I tell them"

  2. It was an awful c**k up in an otherwise excellent performance I would say.
