Saturday, 15 November 2008

Wot No Pies?

Today was a stark reminder of the joys of playing in League 1.

Looking around me I came to one conclusion. The County Ground ain't The Walkers Stadium. Not by a long way!

As usual we took a good contingent of away fans - so many they had to spread us between part of one of the stands and the open section (where my lover and I were).

After fantasizing about having a nice pie to warm me up when we arrived, I was pretty gutted to discover they had nothing for vegetarians. The veggie somosas and veggie burgers were out of stock. Can you believe it? I did get a small cupful of chips but its not the same.

First half was really scrappy. The wind was against us and we didn't really string much together. They managed to scare us a couple of times, including a disallowed goal, but we did look slightly the better team.

The second half was much more entertaining and the goals from Oakley and Fryatt a delight. How disappointing then that in the last 15 minutes or so they managed to score twice. Not helped, in my view, by a degree of complacency once we were 2-0 up.

After the elation of being in front, the shock of having it snatched away has left me a bit deflated. But a draw is a draw as they say. And we are back on the top of the league.

Even if I didn't get my pie.


  1. That looks like our trophy cabinet.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Glad to see you're still supporting the city, but welcome to League One. If you think that was bad, I remember about 15 years ago (God, I feel old saying that), going to Watford away, and the only food they had was King size Mars bars... for a quid each!

  4. The last 10 minutes helped to restore my faith in our current crop of players. We scored 2 goals by wanting it more and managed to break down your defence, but I must say it was an entertaining
    2nd half.
    Regarding veggie food Geargie you should have remembered you were in Wiltshire the home of raw beef etc.
    How do think we got our reputation
    Swindon born
    Swindon bred
    Strong in the arm
    And thick in the head.
    I will now go back to cogitating my navel and chewing on my straw.
    Bye now me old mucker!

  5. mosher: LOL!
    warmonkey: Welcome! King size Mars bars have a time and a place - but I agree not as sole football food
    derek - they did play like the wanted it for the last 15 mins and got what they deserved for that. Hope your navel is revealing its interesting secrets................
