Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Can Football Make You Go Blind?

My lover and I have taken a liking to porn.

No stop! Not that sort of porn.

Football porn.

It all started when my lover bought me a DVD called "A Decade of Great Goals - Football Heaven"about the first 10 years of the Premiership (two pounds ninety nine from a charity shop).

Sitting watching 103 minutes of goal after goal proved to be a stimulating experience.

And I have to confess the "feel good" factor it elicited was not just simply satisfaction that I was furthering my football knowledge.

There was definitely more than a hint of dirty pleasure about it.

I do wonder if there is a need to limit this sort of self-indulgence though. Maybe I should not be watching the DVD that arrived yesterday with 220 hours of old Match of the Day footage.

I have heard in other settings it can make you go blind.

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