Saturday, 6 June 2009

Carry On Believing

A flattering scoreline and a less than emphatic victory is how I would describe the outcome of tonight's game against Kazakhstan.

Not that I'm particularly interested in joining the 'lets knock England' bandwagon.

A sub-standard pitch, long journey, and indeed long season just completed, all took their toll in my view. But I saw numerous mistakes, most of which resulted in giving the ball away.

The patriot in me is delighted at the win of course.

But to be fair (as they say in footballing circles), Kazakhstan deserved more for their efforts.

I will be very interested to see how we perform against Andorra on Wednesday. It would be good to see a bit of flow and flair. And a bit more pace.

I know we have to be prepared to win a bit ugly sometimes. And lets not forget we are still unbeaten in the qualifiers.

On that basis therefore I will retain my composure and carry on believing.

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