Friday, 12 February 2010

Ugly Can Be Beautiful

My lover and I have a new addition to our home.


Or, rather, Numatic International Henry, to give him his pedigree name.

He is not the most beautiful of creations.

But he has a reassuring robustness.

And a turbo suck beyond your wildest dreams.

He is the latest in a line of brothers and sisters who have failed to live up to their promise.

2 vacuums in under 2 years. One blew up. And the other gradually fell to pieces, ending in a final flourish from a brittle hose, now in two parts and beyond repair.

And he has become an instant hit in the Best household. Henry is our saviour.

My lover says he is a cult vacuum cleaner.

Which got me to thinking, you don't always have to be beautiful to get the job done.

Just as well eh?

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