Can you believe it?
My Lover posted the 1000th post on this blog yesterday.
Honestlea-ah...! Talk about poacher goals.
I've been watching the counter go around heading for the magical figure.
I knew I was very close.
But in a moment of weakness last night, I took pity on My Lover's entreaties to be allowed to write on my blog and allowed him said privilege. And he ended up with a cameo role.
Of course, he will tell you I gratefully accepted his offer to stand in, enabling me to go to a meeting and have some time for myself at the end of the day.
I'll leave you to decide who you believe.
In other, more important news, it seems David Beckham is to go to the World Cup after all, St Stevie of Me demonstrates his Teflon qualities again and, there are rumours a certain Israeli has been spotted eyeing up the talent on local industrial estates in Hull.
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