Someone sent me a great email today.
This is how it goes;
Ladies….Imagine you are in Primark, queuing in single file ,the girl in front of you doesn’t have her purse. To your dismay you then realise that you don’t have your’s either.
A solution is that your friend towards the back of the queue is offering to throw her purse to you. You can’t queue jump until the purse has been thrown to you….once the purse has been thrown, you can quickly dodge the lass in front then confront the assistant on the desk.
That’s right Girls……that’s THE OFFSIDE RULE in a language you understand….
Good huh?
I've got Brazil vs North Korea going on in front of me.
My lover by my side.
Oh and I'm pleased to report my tinnitus is better.
Drowned out by the vuvuzelas.
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