Snotty nosed kid: "Got any lemonade?"
Other snotty nosed kid: "If you want!" (he takes a bottle of milk from the fridge)
1st snotty nosed kid: "Milk.....Ugh!"
2nd snotty nosed kid: "It's what Ian Rush drinks."
1st snotty nosed kid: "Ian Rush?"
2nd snotty nosed kid: "Yeah, an' he says if I didn't drink lots of milk, when I grow up I'll only be good enough to play for Accrington Stanley!"
1st snotty nosed kid: "Accrington Stanley? ... Who are they??!"
2nd snotty nosed kid: "Exactly!"
1st snotty nosed kid tries to get to 2nd snotty nosed kid's milk.
2nd snotty nosed kid: "Nah, gerroff!"
1st snotty nosed kid: "Gimmie some!"
I wonder if The Foxes drink milk. I hope so. They are gonna need some bottle
Your post pleases me greatly. As i said to you before "drinka pinta milka day" I always do. and look at what bears can do.
Ian Rush....used to be called "super-sub" i seem to remember.....you know why ?
...er large periscope?
er no.....probably needs some research
the real super sub is and has been for years none other than my fav teddy sheringham
oh and JVIP my fav player many moons ago was your own stevie coppel
lady in red - I'm increasingly thinking you are a girl who CAN do football
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