I thought it was about time I reported in again.
Things have been gradually improving in my tempestuous love affair with the beautiful game.
And today I reached new heights.
I became a Fox in disguise.
I went to the Mad Stad to watch the boys live with three Royals fans.
So I found myself amongst the home supporters, surrounded by blue and white hoops.
The Foxes fans tantalisingly visible but not close enough to connect with.
I had prepared myself well, removing all traces of evidence to link me to the Leicester boys.
But I drew the line at jumping up when they scored one.
And I sat on me hands and bit my lips when we scored our consolation goal.
Lovely shape and movement and skills on the ball, but not enough pace or 'tiger' in the box.
Steve Howard helped them raise their game when he was subbed on, but it wasn't enough in the end.
I wonder what the Svenmeister will have to say about that?