So two new players on the way to The Walkers.
Steve Howard of Derby is reputedly going to be transferred to LCFC for a sum of 1.5 million pounds. And Barry Hayles has been signed from Plymouth Argyle.
My lover thinks the "buy new players to build a team" is the wrong appraoch and that a more modern, strategic and successful approach is to seek young talented wannabes and develop them together as a team.
Of course he would say this being a Coppell fan. But he could have a point. Look at the way Wenger has developed his squad.
Interesting too that both Howard and Hayles are in their 30s.
Not that I am suggesting they are past it. Experience and developed skill is important within a good team. There just seems to be some merit in the notion of taking a more incremental approach rather than seeking instant returns.
It's a bit like learning an instrument I think.
I started learning the guitar about 18 months ago. I concentrated on getting to grips with stuff I could learn quickly and easily - instant returns. And that has done me well until now - I can accompany myself to quite a few songs to a reasonable standard.
Only now as I want to develop further I am finding I need to go back to basics. I can strum with my fingers but not with a pick. And I need to improve my changes and do more with my left hand to make the sounds more interesting.
So that is what I have been doing today. Strumming and strumming with my pick trying to improve the sound.
I'm not there yet. It sounds awful. I've gone backwards if anything.
But I keep at it because I believe I will improve. That gradually bit by bit my skills will develop until I am better than I ever could be based on my current ability.
So lets see who gets there first. Georgina the guitar goddess or Leicester City the toast of the East Midlands.
Have a great New Year's Eve.