"Mila kuru si planina" was mistakenly sung by Tony Henry, an opera singer who sang Croatia's national anthem at the start of last weeks game against England. Apparently it means "My dear, my penis is a mountain" rather than the intended "You know my dear how we love your mountains". Of course, there is potentially a "double entendre" in the correct version but lets not go there........
Mistaken meanings, saucy innuendo and general naughtiness are of course part of our British heritage. Take for example The Carry On Films.
But has this influenced the beautiful game in any way?
Well it would seem it is possible to put together a squad of at least 17 players with filthy names.
And one wonders what would have happened if a planned Carry On film, Carry On Scoring, had ever seen the light of day. It is probably reasonable to say that the sight of Kevin Keegan running naked down the street high on acid would probably have changed the image of the game for ever.
And who knows what other well hidden connections there are?
For example, what if this was the way the prototypes for facilities at The Walkers were tested?. Or this the way football stars really spent their leisure time?
Not convinced?
Well how come Steve McLaren was heard to say at the end of the match last week "Infamy! Infamy! They've all got it in for me!"?
This is a nice relief from the corporate stuff you´ve been doing. The bredth of this blog is growing and growing. I loved it. Particularly when they were trying out the loo seats. My pal A will adore it.
We aim to please :-)
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