Tuesday, 26 August 2008

What Larks Pip!

I'm loving being second in the League table - even if it is League 1.

Probably not as much as Hull fans will be enjoying being above Manchester United in the Premiership though.

And I wonder how we will get on tomorrow night against Fulham in the League cup. We did well last year - beating Aston Villa and only just losing out to Chel$ea .

Cheltenham on Saturday. I was planning to go but when I tried to get some tickets today I found out they are sold out. One of the penalties of playing in League 1 I guess is that the grounds are mostly smaller and therefore have less capacity.

Sandy, who follows Cheltenham's progress, reckons the tickets are like gold dust as everyone wants to see Leicester play.

We can understand that can't we.

Which reminds me. I had something of a dilemma this weekend.

You may recall some time ago I told you my lover and I were looking into having a radio show on our local station. Well we did our very first radio broadcast on Saturday afternoon. And have been invited to do a regular slot at that time.

Now what would you do girls? Take your chance to be famous or follow your heart and your team? When Saturday comes and all that.

So what did I decide?

A compromise of course.

We are going to broadcast every other week, leaving time for the odd day out to the Walkers or away trips (subject to there being any tickets of course!)

What larks Pip!