Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Look At The Muck In Here

Hey! Sorry for not posting yesterday. Bad headache.

But here I am back tonight.

And feeling excited.

"Because it's Christmas?" I hear you ask.

Well yes of course I'm looking forward to that.

My dad's coming out of hospital for the day (he is still waiting for his op).

We are having a quiet Christmas at home my lover and I. Lobster, crab, scallops and prawns for lunch followed by Christmas Pud and clotted cream.

Then my children over in the evening for home cooked ham and other goodies.

All good stuff.

But what I'm really excited about is our fixture on Boxing Day.

How fitting that to celebrate this Christian festival, the forces of good will be taking on the forces of evil.

Personally I think their new manager should have stuck to his stage act.

Oh and the best Christmas present ever. Matty Fryatt has renewed his contract.

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