Wednesday, 6 January 2010

To Be Or Not To Be

In an effort to raise the intellectual status of this blog, I have decided to post about some football philosophers.

No not that lot.

(By the way - take a second look at that video above - about a minute in. I swear the linesman on the right is Terry Wogan.....!).

But there really are football philosophers.

For example Alexander Conan Doyle;

"To give and to take, to accept success modestly and defeat bravely, to fight against odds, to stick to one's point, to give credit to your enemy and value your friend - these are some of the lessons which football should impart"

Bob Marley;

"Football is a part of I. When I play the world wakes up around me"

Leon Trotsky;

"The revolution will inevitably awaken in the British working class the deepest passions which have been diverted along artificial channels with the aid of football"

And Rupert Brooke - sort of...;

"There's some corner of a foreign field that is forever Ingerland"

Of course I am not averse to asking the odd searching philosophical question myself.

Maybe they will make a statue of me one day.


  1. Giorgie. The only statue that would do you justice would be to carve another Venus de Milo.

  2. Wonderful philosophical quotes, Georgie!
