Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Eeyore Rocks

I can't remember if I told you but my stepson and his family have moved back to England from America.

He is a bang-at-it Chel$ea fan.

Other than an occasional phonecall, I haven't had a real conversation with him about football yet.

So I thought I would impress him by wishing his team good luck this evening (I mistakenly thought they would be playing).

Georgina's text: Good luck against Mourhino's lot

Stepson's text: Ty. Don't think we play until next week. Round Gooner Junior's watching Arsenal atm

"B****r!". I thought. "How did that happen?"

"I know. This will impress him"

Georgina's text: "Don't tell Gooner Junior, but I fear Sol Campbell is a donkey"

Within 30 seconds, Campbell scores.

"Now what do I say?", I thought.

Only one thing to say.

Georgina's text: "Eeyore rocks!"

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