Tonight, girls and boys, I have been taking part in a football tournament.
At an event entitled 'Nosh and Becks'.
An evening of lager, nibbles and a round robin table football competition.
My Lover and I only managed 1 win out of 5.
We were encouraged to wear our home strips.
Surprisingly, I was the only Leicester City fan there.
Anyway, there was a photographer there, and she gathered all those wearing footy shirts together for a photo.
A mass of red descended - two Liverpool fans and a Manure loving girl. Plus a Cheltenham Town fan, a Hereford supporter, and a man wearing a shirt with a picture of a rowing boat, suggesting he supported Crewe Alexandra (??).
"Leicester City?", said one of the Liverpool fans. "What have you ever won?".
He then proceeded to reel off a long list of trophies and championships won.
"When did they last win something?", I asked, quietly.
"5 years ago", he responded, apparently expecting me to be impressed.
"Time for some Fox action", I thought.
The photographer gathered us together.
They decided I should go in the middle, being the only one in blue, and because I had a scarf.
And that's when Foxy struck.
I gave each end of the scarf to the two Liverpool fans, and they were forced to hold it in front of us stretched out.
And smile.
Leicester City 1 Liverpool 0
Game over.
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