How exciting. I have had a couple of replies already. If you read the previous post and look at the comments you will see we have a new visitor. His name is McFox and it would seem he is a Leicester City fan too. He seems nice enough if a little confused. He does have a good blog with some great videos of magic moments from bygone matches. There is a particularly entertaining one from 1934. You don't even have to like football to enjoy the commentary.
The other reply was from someone called Chappyblue who suggested a better message board site to find out about the club and what fans think. The site is called Talking Balls and is rocking. What is obvious from even the first glance is that Rob Kelly's accusations that recent performance problems are down to the players is not shared with many of the fans (and they should know for goodness sake). There is much talk of Mr Kelly's successor and even a vote going on. Favourite at the moment is Kevin Keegan.
I remember when I were a lass Kevin Keegan was THE football pinup. He was such a dude and that curly permed hair. Oh yes!
Either way it seems the fans think that change is in the wind. The club has recently been taken over by a man called Milan Mandaric and the general feeling is he won't suffer fools gladly and will do what is necessary to get the club into the Premiership.
More about Mr Mandaric next time
Great choice in team. the foxes will be back with a vengence next season.
Hi new visitor
I am really pleased with my choice too. I really did start as a girl who didn't get football - not just the technical stuff but the 'spirit' of it. Still early days but I have to grudgingly accept I am starting to get quite interested. Weird how once you have a team things seem to snowball.
I am sure you are right about LCFC being on the up. I feel it in my bones
See you again I hope
Little Georgy Porgy
"On the up" is the thing that football fans dream of all the time. And when they are up, they dread "being on the slide" My feeling about Leicester is that if they can spend some money in the summer, get rid of any dead wood and employ a proper manager, they have a chance of getting to the play off's next year. If they get promoted, they'll need to take the example of Reading who have(on this occasion)a Manager who plays things down, keeps their feet on the ground and makes them play real proper football in more than one way. They play proper football and stay on their feet when challenged. Oh, and a lot of them are ginger too.
It's a big ask and I wish you all the luck in world.
You Rzzzzz
Welcome onboard the LCFC rollercoaster we're all praying that you bring us good luck, Lord knows we need it.
talkingballs.co.uk is the top LCFC forum on the entire interweb-yoke as well, you made the right choice ;-)
SS: Thanks for the words of encouragement. I'm sure Mr Mandaric will do what is needed
Macky: Thanks for calling by. I'm strapped in an ready for the ride. And of course if things do improve it will be all down to me!
See you again soon
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