What a day. I had the most fantastic time. So much to talk about - the game, the fans, the pies. I hardly know where to start.
The Game
We won. 1 - 0. Although it should have been 2 - 0 because in the second half one of our players shot at goal and as the goalie saved it he and the ball went over the line. Plain as day from where I was sitting. But the referee did not seem to see it and the goalie was only too happy to kick it away as soon as possible. The Foxes had most of the play although Barnsley did rally for a while after we scored. Man of the match for me was Shaun Newton.
The Fans
"Leicester 'til I die". They sang. They clapped. They cheered. They chanted. They sang songs about how wonderful Leicester are. They sang songs about how poor the support for the opposition was. They sang songs about Leeds getting relegated. If I had been one of those Foxes it would definately have spurred me on and given me confidence. Shame about the idiot we saw trying to damage the seats. Still the fans controlled themselves well when at the end some of the Barnsley fans rushed onto the pitch. Quite a lot of them as a matter of fact. More idiots.
The Pies
It's not just a myth. Pies everywhere. Kiosks that only sell lager and pies at the stadium. People eating pies all around me. Out of the foil with a fork. But best of all, on the way to the match, the biggest cakes and pies I have ever seen in a Barnsley shop. It was like food for giants. Huge sausage rolls. Massive iced buns. And the biggest custard tarts I have seen in my life.
No wonder Barnsley lost. It is quite clear they eat too many pies.
Georgy.....you're gonna be a football writer....trust me on it....
It was a great experience
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