All is not well aboard the good ship, The White Pig.
Master Bates has bought the ship back after it went into administration but has agreed to pay only one pence in the pound owed to creditors. There was very nearly a mutiny however, and his offer was only accepted by the narrowest of margins.
Former chairman, Gerald Krasner, described the offer as 'derisory'. He said " Master Bates seems determined to Roger the Cabinboy".
Whilst Master Bates may have grabbed the life raft at the expense of others on this occasion, his career has not been without Seaman Stains. He was chairman of Chelsea between 1982 and 2004, and although he turned the fortunes of that ship around, he fell out with numerous captains and crew during his time there.
To cap it all he remains a supporter of that wicked pirate of the seas, Denis Wise, who far from needing to walk the plank, is in fact one himself.
Time will tell whether The White Pig will become a flagship or end up on the island of the Dodos.
Indeed. That big old angry Ken boy is gonna get his cum-uppance hopefully. He is, however, working with a team that supports all the ideas he, himslf espoused. See
Lovely bloke
It's no more than you would expect from Leeds FC who are of course The Devil
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