You're probably wondering how I did it.
Predict that Gary Megson would be our manager I mean.
Well maybe it was this. Or perhaps I did this. You probably suspect this. Or this.
Of course I am not going to tell you. A girl needs a retain an air of mystery you know.
And talking of mystery, it's all happening at the Women's World Cup. Never mind the actual football. Police and FIFA have been called in over allegations that the Chinese have been spying on the Danes. Of course, if they did then it worked because they beat them 3 - 2.
England have a break until Friday when they play Germany. Lets hope the Germans score a few less than Monday.
And finally, just before I go, some late news in.
Rumours that Gary Megson is terrified Milan Mandaric will sack him after just one game if Leicester City do not beat QPR this Saturday have been fuelled further when he was stopped for speeding on the way to The Walkers Stadium today. He told police "I'll do anything for three points"
1 comment:
The best yet. i loved the intellectual pace. The narritive and the style. Keep on rocking Princess
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