I feel as if I have been in freefall a bit over the last few days.
The shock of our relegation. The wondering what will happen short term and long term. The lack of any sense of where my team fits in the universe (apart from the obvious of course).
Today we had our first bit of news which will start to build a new pathway to the future. Milan Mandaric has pledged to stay with us.
Although I hope he doesn't mean anything too literal when he says;
"We have see what was done right and wrong, correct it quickly and immediately and go forward to win games and show Leicester City in a new colour."
Blue works well for us Mandy. We'd just like to win please.
I would also like to thank all of you who support other teams who have left kind comments on this blog. My lover says only football supporters can understand what a time such as this feels like and he is right.
Of course Leicester's problems are all very public at the moment (particularly so at a staff meeting at work today when under 'Any Other Business' the HR Officer offered her condolences for the plight of Leicester!). And it is easy to look at other apparently almost unassailable teams who seem to have it all and think we are the only ones with troubles.
As with most things in life, however, things are rarely what they seem. Look at Liverpool for example. Plus this fellow blogger has good evidence that The ManUre are in financial trouble. And it's hard to imagine there won't be tears at Manchester City before too long.
So maybe those people who have said encouraging things over the last few days are right. Things aren't as bad as they seem.
Onwards and upwards then.
Leicester 'til I die!
Yep Georgina your lover is right.
I'm reminded of the Elkie Brookes song.
"I wanna see the sunshine after the rain
I wanna see bluebirds flying over the mountains again
Oh, where is the silver lining shining at the rainbow's end?"
my lover is right about a lot of things - except of course about girls doing football!!
As was sung in The Life of Brian... "Always look on the bright side of life"
Trouble is they crucified him.... lol!
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