Bless me readers for I have sinned.
Not badly. But I must confess to not having got home in time yesterday to see the Spain/Russia match and only half paying attention to the Greece/Sweden encounter. I did have to work late but I must admit to finding it difficult to sustain watching so many matches in such a concentrated period.
I am going to see if I can watch the Spanish triumph on the IPlayer though because everyone says they were just fantastic.
I haven't done much better this evening either. My lover is working late (he is running a group for men convicted of domestic violence) which means I have had to cook my own tea.
Now I know what you are thinking. You're a girl Georgina. You can multi-task. Keeping an eye on the Czech/Portugal match whilst rustling up a bit of supper should have posed no problem.
Sadly I have to report that so far it has been something of a disaster. Sure I did manage to see bits of the match, although because my technical knowledge is still developing, I have to concentrate hard to keep up with what is happening and remain engaged.
Which might explain how I managed to boil the potatoes and green beans dry, then when I served up my cheese and potato omelette forgot the beans completely.
And as I scraped the beans from the bottom of saucepan, I reflected on a conversation I had just two nights ago after watching the awful pictures of children starving in Ethiopia and India, when I pledged to try not to waste any food (did you realise we throw away 25% of the food we buy in this country?).
You've got to move on though haven't you. Not quite living up to your own expectations is part of the human condition I guess.
Something the England football team know all about of course. I wonder what they are thinking about as they watch this tournament unfold. I wonder if they are as disappointed as we are.
Now that would be a confession worth hearing.
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