Having just bought my latest copy of FourFourTwo (last month's copy is now a dog-eared addition to my paper recycling box), I was interested to learn that a rival magazine called Football Punk is being released.
Even more interestingly, both are deemed to fall within the "thinking man's soccer mag" genre. Presumably then girls who read them don't think or such magazines are not for them.
I mean is it any wonder we girls feel excluded sometimes from football?
Presumably the assumption is that girls would only be interested in the 'celeb gossip' and 'macho eye candy'.
Not that these things would go amiss you understand.
But come on editors. You are missing a trick here and more importantly a money making opportunity.
Meanwhile girls I'm afraid you will have to be content with this blog as the best you are going to get until things change.
Roll on the revolution!
Perhaps you should start the 'revolution.'
Yes...Perhaps you should GB
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