A 12 match ban, 6 of which are suspended until the end of next season. The latter will only be enforced if there are any more violent conduct within the footballing setting.
I have to say when I saw him saw him playing last weekend I did not form the impression I was looking at a changed man. That view was reinforced when within moments of coming on the pitch he was squaring up to a player in the opposing team with some pushing and shoving.
I'm not the only one who has doubts that he has reformed. He was apparently snapped jumping a red light on the way to see his Probation Officer.
It's not that I don't believe people can change. As an ex-Probation Officer I have a number of stories about people who have turned their lives around. But what I also know is that change only happens when people are ready.
I'm prepared to keep and open mind about Mr Barton for now. Although he certainly has some 'issues' to overcome.
And he is not the only one who might find himself in court soon.
Newcastle United has announced its intention to sue King Kev for the £2million compensation his contract says is due if he quits. Presumably his defence will be constructive dismissal.
It will be interesting to see how that one untangles itself.
And lets not forget Ashley Timms, another footballing figure who has recently found himself at odds with the law. Jailed today for trying to blackmail a Premiership footballer by threatening to sell video footage of him in flagrante.
No - there's no doubt about it. Football is by no means beyond the reach of the long arm of the law.
Ashley'll need the £2million to pay for protection from the tens of thousands of people who want to tear him a new one. The arrogant little prick.
Mosh. I agree really. how did he make his money BTW ?
Sports stores - Sports Direct, Sports Soccer & Lillywhites to be precise. Needless to say, there's a complete boycott on these stores by all NUFC fans now.
Didn't Lillywhites used to be a sanitary towel........
I could make a comment about them both being used by bleeding c**ts, but that's probably not appropriate here.
Good job you didn't then :-)
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