There are dark forces at work in the world today.
Never mind the floodlights of the Emirates showing off Arsenal's great victory last night in the Champions League. Never mind Berbatov basking in the spotlight having scored two wonderful goals (especially that second one).
While Liverpool are hosting PSV Eindhoven in sunny(ish) Merseyside, Chelsea have a much more sinister appointment to keep.
The Transylvanian team, Cluj, are eagerly awaiting their arrival for tonight's game.
Scolari explained;
"We have been told not to bother arriving before sunset as there will be no-one about. We have, however, insisted they switch the lights on for the match, despite considerable resistance from their side. We have also made them install mirrors in the changing rooms, a feature oddly missing"
Cluj's manager, Count Trombetta, said;
"Ve can't vait to get our teeth into zose Chelsea boys. To lose vood be like having a stake zrough my heart"
What I can't confirm for sure is whether there is any truth in the rumours that the Chel$ea players have been eating garlic bread all week and will be sporting high necked shirts tonight.
they'd better, there's something at stake...
LMAO - I am from Transylvania. A tiny village called Zizin, near Sacele, 15kms from the big city Brasov. It's beautiful there and now we have Cluj beating Roma away and now draw with Chel$ki, I am amazed. Every player is Romanian too except 2 Brasil player !!
Nice blog you have here. Would you like to swap links, the girls have to stick together, lol x
teetotallynot: Probably blood money
carlyluvsunited: Welcome. You are clearly a lady not to be messed with.........
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