Is almost a song by Meatloaf; mangled here by a well groovy dude.
Phil Brown (for it is he), dodgy perma-tan and half-time talks, is no more. He's gone.
Oh, and btw.....It's the old bear tonight. She's out.
And, as usual, Liverpool are on 5Live. They are combating a broken Portsmouth.
Currently the home side are 3 -nil up. The downside is that the buffoon Alan Green is giving us all the huge benefit of his magnificent yet maligned opinions on everything!
Anyway, back to Phil.
Interestingly, if listen to most of the people with whom he has been associated over the last few year, no one will say a bad word. This guy is an exception.
I do believe there have been several incidents leading to the guy's departure. I would suggest this, this and this, did not help.
The weekend's performance against the Arse, whilst lionised in the press as a gutty ten-man performance, was characterised by aggressive "career-ending" tackling of a vicious sort.
I imagine Phil might have said to his men, "get your foot in-give um a hard time" rather in the way Cpl Jones might have said many years ago.
No, Phil's departure has been a long time coming, People are saying Alan Curbishley may be the man for the job.
Frankly, I'm not sure and, rather in the way Newcastle and indeed, Middlesborough, may be realising, sticking with the familiar may be better in the long-term than getting another person in to change it all around.
At the beginning of the season, I said to GB, Portsmouth,Hull and Wolves are the teams who will not survive this season. She wanted Bolton to be in the mix.
We'll see huh ?
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