HL again this evening.
In my opinion, one of the recurring themes of this blog seems to suggest the idea that simple, one dimensional solutions to problems do not work. And that football, like many other aspects of modern life, is often victim or martyr to public opinion, public outcry or public condemnation.
Often such open debate is characterised by passion, hatred, biased-opinion, love, gobshitery and outright foolishness.
Never more so than in the current shambles surrounding Marlon King.
Ask yourself, is it OK for a man to attack a woman, be found guilty in a Court of law, go on to show little remorse for his crime, serve 9 months in custody and arrive back in the community to the open arms of the good people at Coventry City?
Me ? I'm not sure.
Let's see what GB thinks...........
GB here.
My view?
Well I have a fundamental belief that anyone can make a change if they really want to and have the right support.
I also know there are some who don't want to.
I don't think there's much doubt about which camp Mr King sits in.
What a crazy world we live in.
So much better in the good ol' days, when people knew how to deal with a problem once and for all.
1 comment:
Well I have a fundamental belief that anyone can make a change if they really want to and have the right support.
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