You'll all be relieved to know I am back.
It's like I always said. Give a Reading fan a blade of grass and they take a football pitch.
Thanks to those of you who have been leaving comments. I was beginning to think I was at an Arsenal match it was so quiet.
Anyway, one of these comments by a new reader,
Colin Randall, himself a
football blogger, challenged my fervent Foxes fanship (
try saying that when you've had a few) on the basis that I show too much interest in and favour towards other teams.
It made me think about a conversation I had with my lover recently about the
prawn sandwich brigade, some of whom (
allegedly) change allegiance on a regular basis (
only amongst the top four clubs of course).
The sort of think a member of the "prawn sandwich brigade" might say is:
I think I'll support Chelsea next year. It will be nice to watch a team playing in a different colour for a change."
I chose Manchester United because the parking at the ground is easier than at Liverpool"
As you know I am fairly new to football and have only been a Leicester City fan for about a year. You might wonder therefore how deep the roots of my loyalty really go. I have to confess to asking myself the same question with the threat of relegation looming so large.
I jokingly suggested that if they are relegated I would choose a different team. As I did so I had this really weird feeling. Like guilt. As if I had committed adultery or was at least contemplating it. I quickly realised that I could no more support another team than change sex. Even after such a short time and all the trials and tribulations, I'm a Foxes girl through and through.
But my journey has been about learning to love football and that has included learning to appreciate good football. So inevitably I have watched other teams play and bizarrely (
although I don't believe for a minute I am unique in this) have found myself forming opinions and a level of allegiance on the scantiest of evidence.
None of these views would stand up to much scrutiny or analysis but here is my take on the Premiership teams:
Arsenal: I have a love for them because sometimes they play really really beautiful football. I don't like the persona Wenger presents in public but I do think he is a great and passionate manager. And of course my son loves them so I have an understandable affinity
Man U: How could you not love the football they play? I am much less keen on Fergie though even though I know he is a god in many ways.
Liverpool: I feel less pull to them although I love
CrouchyChelsea: I can't love them Mourinholess
Newcastle: I'm sorry Mosher. I can't love a team who think KK is groovy and look like a packet if mint humbugs
Reading: I have to like them because my lover does. I do sort of - they have an underdog appeal don't they
Everton and Blackburn: Like 'em a bit. No idea why
Sunderland and Tottenham: Well there's Roy Keane and Ramos - yum!
Man City: I have to confess to finding Sven just a little bit sexy..........
Birmingham, Aston Villa and West Ham: No feelings either way
Portsmouth: Not sure really. Harry is a bit too much of a wide boy for my liking
Middlesbourgh and Wigan: Seem a bit dull
Fulham and Derby: I'm sorry. You can't love the unloveable.
Bolton: May they die a horrible death
Yet despite these strange affinities, I couldn't support any of them. Not like Leicester.
No - there is no doubt about it. Given the choice between a pie and a prawn sandwich I'll take the pie every time.