I'm back!
Bright eyed and bushy tailed (well I am a Fox after all).
Dorset was lovely. Thanks for asking. Our trip included a trip to a childhood holiday destination for me at Durdle Door (see pic).
One of the locals told me that part of the beach is for nude bathing. I have to say I have no recollection of that. Funny - my dad never mentioned it either ........
Needless to say though that despite not finding the opportunity to post, I continued my football studies with my usual diligence.
This included (of course) finding a sports pub to watch last night's match - my only regret being that the Spaniards did not manage to reflect the drubbing they gave Germany in the scoreline. 3 or 4 nil would have completely made my day but I'm not really complaining. It was a great game.
And today I hear Mr Lehman has been alleging that the ref was biased.
Yeah Jens - that would be when he let you off for handling the ball outside your area then.
I do hate a bad loser. At least Ballack behaved with dignity as he followed his team up for their runners up medal.
Mind you - he has had plenty of practise.
My education was also broadened by listening to Danny Baker on Five Live (or Five Dead for those of us in the know), who regaled us with stories about memorable, if somewhat obscure, sendings off. Like the Scotsman sent off for smoking on the pitch (he claims he forgot to take his cigarette out of his mouth at the end of half time...) or the player shown a yellow card in a car park after a match for bad behaviour (which stuck, as apparently the referees jurisdiction includes this area).
And now, after all the excitement of the last few days, I think its time to put my feet up with a glass of Sangria and wonder if Signor Torres will be able to transfer his success and take Liverpool to even greater heights this season.
Viva Espagna!