Rumours are rife today that Milan Mandaric is thinking of replacing Ian Holloway.
The suggestion was that he was seeking to replace him with Billy Davies (formally of Derby er...fame ??).
Mandaric has denied it of course.
What I say is - there is no smoke without fire.
But if you did Mandy - you are barking!
As a exiled fan of the foxes (moved to Reading in 1989) I follow from afar and despair. The one fact I trot out with regularity is that Leicester have never been lower then the second tier (you know what I mean). But, goodnees, we do go awfully close.
Anyway, can't see how changing managers now would make any appreciable difference when the players would be the same.
Paul. Do you go to any home games ?
Hey Paul Coombes.
Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. It's a bit of a library around here sometimes so good to hear a bit of crowd noise.
Totally agree about changing the manager. I think he is doing OK. He has a vision and needs time to make it happen.
I've only been supporting The Foxes for a year but I've already come to realise you have to learn to live dangerously. Dangling just above the relegation zone may bring an adreneline rush but I can think of better ways.
Jungle VIP
Not sure if you will ever get to see this, but when you say do I "go to any home games?" I presume you mean Reading? If so the answer is yes, I am a season ticket holder along with my 13 year old son. I missed the Villa game though (which I really wanted to go to because I think MON is fantastic) as I was coming home from a week away which is why it has taken so long for me to reply to your question.
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