I decided to listen to the Football Forum on Radio Leicestershire today - or the "Monday Moan-In" as the fans on Talking Balls call it.
I haven't listened to it before, not least because of some of the disparaging remarks on Balls.
But I couldn't resist listening in to Ollie tonight, who was a guest on the show.
That man is a dude. No doubt about it.
I just love his open, genuine approach. No fancy frills. No corporate speak. Just plain talking about how he thinks things are.
For those unlucky enough not to have heard the interview here are some of the key points he made:
- 3 things need to happen for the team to improve; individuals taking responsibility within the team (especially those with more experience), better balance in the team and more experience
- He is "trying to make the most of an absolute mess" (referring to the situation he took on)
- Of the 14 players bought in the summer, none were better than those already there and he has only felt able to play two of them
- They are losing money by having to pay off useless members of the squad
- He is not going to put up with people not giving their all - there must be pride in the badge
- He won't have a culture of blaming (referring to those players who blamed 17 year old Mattock's mistake for the first goal on Saturday)
- Ultimately it's not what you spend, it's what you create that makes a team successful
1 comment:
Dudes are few and far between Georgina. I do like Ollie's plain way of speaking however. Sometimes, nonetheless, managers can sometimes slip in the odd cliche' "Playing for the badge" is one of these. Honestly, these are men who earn up to 10 grand a week for doing a bit of running about. And, trust me.....mostly they are hired guns. Mercenaries of fortune.
He's good value huh ?
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