B****r! Another defeat for The Foxes.
Despite Ollie's assurances that he is not downhearted it does make you want to swear.
Not an activity that is going to be allowed in the Arngrove Northern League for much longer.
Sounds straightforward enough, if hard to comply with.
Except when you start digging a bit deeper. For there is a lot more to swearing than you might at first think.
Did you know, for example, that scientists believe the brain actually processes swear words differently. Whereas most language is processed as a series of sounds that must be combined to form a word, the theory is that swear words are stored as a whole unit. Plus, swear words are 4 times easier to remember than ordinary ones.
Because swearing utilises the lower, more instinctive and emotional sections of the brain, it also explains some brain disorders which include swearing such as Coprolalia, a symptom of Tourette Sundrome where sufferers appear compelled to utter obscenities.
And there's more. Swear words fall into two categories - deistic (related to religion) and visceral (related to the body and its functions). Some also relate to people's parentage (as any referee will tell you).
It is also suggested that swearing has an important function as a way of showing emotion and relieving stress and anxiety. Other possible purposes include;
- Establishing a group identity
- Establishing membership in a group and maintain the group's boundaries
- Expressing solidarity with other people
- Expressing trust and intimacy (mostly when women swear in the presence of other women)
- Adding humour, emphasis or "shock value"
- Attempting to camouflage a person's fear or insecurity
Fair play to you George. Heard Mickey Quinn on about it tonight. He remember's being sent off in 1989 for challenging a referee with the usual agricultural language.
A Referee having his first League Div One Game.
The Ref......."Wor Graham" no less......not he of the "quick reminder"...rather, the Pollmeister himself at his first gig.
Micky said he's never forgiven him because the opposition went on to win 3:1
Of dubious parentage no doubt
in the junior leagues it is quite common for the ref to send a player off for swearing.
Personally I very rarely swear as I have no need to. I feel that swearing is for those people who don't have the ability to express themselves any other way so perhaps the theory of swear words being easier to remember has a grain of truth.
Hi Lady in Red. Nice to see you back. It is a matter of context I think. I would avoid swearing if it could insult or offend but sometimes ... just sometimes ... its just feels good!
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