I have to say my heart goes out to both Eduardo da Silva and Martin Taylor today.
Da Silva is facing a nine month gradual return to fitness in the aftermath of his injury. He will miss this summer's European Cup, where he was due to play for Croatia and will have months of rehabilitation ahead of him.
Equally, from what I can gather, Taylor is distraut about what happened on Saturday. Voices speaking up on behalf of him are adamant that he is a gentle giant who would never execute a malicious tackle, let alone deliberately break someone's leg.
To be fair, his statistics support that. No yellow cards and only one red in his career. And Eduardo is not blaming him either.
Awful to think, then, that he is receiving death threats.
Sometimes these things just happen.
Maybe both of them can take some comfort that there is always someone worse off - leastways if this is to be believed.
i hope eduardo makes a full recovery, such a good player
it was a bad tackle, but nobody deserves to have death threats
cheap football boots - welcome. I'm sure we all do
adidas predator - welcome too. I thought it was a clumsy tackle and he probably did deserve to be sent off (although I know not everyone agrees with that). Like you say though, nobody deserves death threats
Ill tell you what, the thing which real gets my goat is the media reaction to what happened... ok Wenger should not have said what he did, and he later retracted his statement, when an injury as horrific as that happends to one of your own things are said in the heat of the moment!!
William Gallas... ok he should not of reacted in the way he did either, but is it so wrong to show your emotions after such an emotional day??? One of your Friends/Teamates has his leg broken right in front of you and you fear he may never even walk again? The referee is so incompetent and unconfident in his decision he made (which was the right one), he spends the rest of the match working in favour of birmingham and gifts them the game... I for one am glad of a captain who really cares that much! If it had of been me on that pitch i dont think i could of even carried on.
My point is what about Eduardo? He is one of the nicest, most professional and humble players in the premiership and nobody seems to care? Is it because he is an Arsenal player???? Let me put it to you like this... If it had been Steven Gerrard or Moty's precious Wayne Rooney or any ENGLISH star for that matter who had their carrer in jeopardy do you think the reaction would of been different???? Of course it would!!!
Hi ashleigh thanks for dropping by. I agree with everything you say. I was touched by the level of emotion shown by the Arsenal players and indeed Wenger. Human beings don't always 'do the right thing' when faced with trauma - it's part of what makes us human. It's like I said in the post before, there are a lot of arm chair managers. It is very easy to say what should or should not happen when you are not out there doing it.
I also think you are spot on about the nationality issue. It is the Croatian fans, apparently, who have been the angriest and responsible for some of the more public anger towards Taylor.
With such wise words, maybe you are related to me?!
Terrible tackle. And in the new world of the Prem....everybody (including me) has to have their say.
I heard a bloke on TS yesteday who said he'd watched over 30 times. That's a bit pervy ?
Hah, im impressed, i think i made it a little too easy tho :D
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