Needless to say there has been lots of talk about the England football team and their performance last night.
My lover and I have just been chatting about it and we are agreed that people are probably over-egging the negativity. Capello is still new to the set up. He needs to try things out. And what better time than during a friendly. I mean isn't that part of what they are about. A sort of formal practice.
Anyway, now seems a good time to share an idea with you. Its one I have had in my head for a while. I've shared it with a few people but I would like to test it out on you.
I should warn you that its pretty outside the box. So you need to suspend belief for a bit to listen to the concept. All I ask is that you don't dismiss it immediately. Try to assume it is a good idea and try to think how it might work.
My idea, then, is that you create an additional team in the English football league. That team would be the England squad. They would have a name - maybe the English Lions or St George United.
They would be owned by a small group of businessmen with an interest in promoting England as a brand. Not just one or two but not too many either. Just enough to have an effective decsion-making team.
They would enter the league at the end of a season and join the playoffs in the Championship. They would have to win their way through to a place in the Premiership. If they failed they would have to stay in the Championship for however long it took them to move up to the next tier.
Once in the Premiership they would play like any other team. Week in week out they would be competing against the best in the world.
As they rise (hopefully!) up through the table, they will not only be developing as individuals, but also as a team. If they reach the top they will probably be the best team in the world.
And completely stuff everyone when they play at international level.
There - you can unsuspend your disbelief and see where it leaves you.
If it ever happens, remember this.
You heard it here first.
Been done... ish. Halfway house anyway. Look at the last time England were a good side - more than half the team played for ManUre. Before that? The core of the squad played for Newcastle (when *we* were good which tells you how long ago it was).
The problem is twofold - the EU refusing to allow the FA's to cap the number of non-national players. And the teams not wanting to do it voluntarily because if nobody else does, they're at a disadvantage.
I think it's a great idea. Of course only players entitled to play for England would be in the team and they would have to sign a contract which said they have to play for at least 5 years unless the manager didn't want them.
We'd also get a chance to see them play our teams as they worked their way up.
All we need now is enough players to make up the team!
mosher - The Premier League is in reality almost an international league. It's interesting what you say about previous times when a large part of the squad came from one team which led to success. Maybe there is something in the idea..............
lady bristol: Nice to see you again - especially since I got my knickers round my neck about who you support! Pity about the Coventry result. To be fair though I think they have made a good choice in Chris Coleman. Time will tell - as it always does. Glad you liked the idea. That's two of us now then
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