Never mind worrying about the risk to players of injury through reckless tackles.
What about the dangers faced by football fans?
Lee Weston, a lifelong Foxes fan, gave himself a heart attack when he got over excited in a match recently.
He is not unique. Research has shown a surge in heart attacks amongst football fans during pressurised situations.
No danger of getting over excited watching this afternoons Liverpool derby though I have to say. Pretty uninspiring really. I wish I'd watched the Tottenham/Newcastle match instead. Never mind - we've still got MOTD later.
In the meantime I'm sure you will join me in wishing Mr Weston a speedy recovery.
Thanks for reminding me. Just downloading the game (I think) and MotD2 from last night now. Stuck here, unless a game's on Sky or ESPN, I'm reduced to following the footie on BBC's "Premiership Live" updated webpage. It's entertaining, but I'm 10 mins behind the real world as the updates are slow.
You can find bars showing MotD around here, which is weird as I thought they could only legally broadcast it in the UK. After all, try and go to the BBC Viewer when in France and it's blocked. I can't even watch any of the interview snippets elsewhere on the web page!
Hard luck Mosh. As you'll see from what's going on.....KK cleaned up last night. I thought, however, he looked completely done in at the post-match interview
I've now got MotD2 from last night on my hard drive. Roll on lunchtime and I'll see how knackered His Royal Kevster is!
In a way, that's a good thing, isn't it? I mean, don't you want a manager who obviously gets so far into a game he leaves the dugout as exhausted as his players?
Mr Weston has been particularly unlucky and I certainly wish him well. Some might say that merely supporting a club like Leicester is risky. Certainly on those rare days when we have a one goal lead the fear of an opposition equaliser can become too much. Judging by the look of fellow fans on Saturday I'm not alone.
Mosher - It's not the same watching on your own is it. For a start off you feel stupid shouting out (well I do anyway). Super Kev did look the worse for wear though - hoarse too!
cunning fox - Thanks for dropping by. Like me and countless others no doubt your nails are bitten back to the bone.....
Yeah I wish I'd watched the Spurs game instead of the derby too. :( :( :(
hitsearch: Welcome. There must be an antidote for boring matches. Any idea what?
Yeah. Don't watch Middlesbrough...
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