Although, as you know, I am quite new to football , life has not been the same since the Special One left the Premiership.
I mean how could you not adore a man with such a sweet little dog?
It's not that I think about him all the time (honest!), but reading the headlines today rekindled all those warm, earthy feelings in me.
In a nutshell, Jose Mourinho is sexiness on legs.
There I have said it.
So just what is sexiness? It is a hard quality to define and subjective, and yet it is something more attributable to some individuals than others. This writer thinks she has nailed it and you could certainly argue that Jose has all of these qualities in abundance.
I'm interrupting this post for a moment because I just need to share something with you. When I am preparing to delight you with my daily submissions I use search engines to help me find interesting articles, videos, images etc. Just now I put in "sex on a stick" because for some strange reason (!) that is what I had in my head. This is where it took me. I mean ...... what??!!
So how do I measure up? Well fortunately I managed to find a website where I can find the answer to just that question. My result was as follows:
70% Your Sex Appeal Is: Extremely High You're very sexy. You just have that certain something that takes over a room. You know how to attract, entice, and keep whoever you want. You are truly appealing.
I'll be interested to see how you fare. Those with a score less than mine need not bother to reply.
Anyway, back to Jose. I can't say I entirely agree with this set of ratings in respect of his sexiness. I am willing to forgive what I consider to be frugal scoring, however, as the site has a fantastic set of pictures of the man.
I need to stop typing now because my palms are a bit sweaty.
Think of me with my eyes closed and a smile on my face, dreaming of you know who...................
He's a dude to be sure. Not such a catch (maybe) as the ex coventry manager, however. I saw the famous ID on MOTD last week sporting a very fetching tight red striped shirt. It went so well with the ginger hair !
ID speaks highly of you too JVIP
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