Funny thing pressure.
I mean it is one of those words that has lots of meanings that all mean the same. It is certainly a word we hear a lot about in the world of football.
There is the scientific definition;
"The force applied to a unit area of surface"
(such as that applied to Eduardo's leg causing it to break)
Pressure as an action;
"The act of pressing; the exertion of pressure"
(such as that applied by the forwards of a football team hungry for a goal)
Pressure to be attended to;
"The state of urgently demanding notice or attention"
(like our proximity to the relegation zone)
Sensual pressure;
"The somatic sensation of pressure"
(like the hug Rooney gave Renaldo last night when he scored)
The 'may the force be with you' sort of pressure;
"A force that compels"
(such as the twelfth man provided by a good football crowd)
And of course, the pressure we feel from others;
"To cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means"
(how many managers have 'resigned' in the face of that one?)
Pressure is often seen as a bad thing of course. Associated with stress and anxiety.
It can be a good thing too though. Peer pressure, for example, can be a major contributor to creating an effective team. And you need pressure to create change - whether in the environment or internally.
And of course, without pressure, what good would a whoopee cushion be?
oh dear oh dear oh dear..I should think Ollie is feeling pressure right now....as is Mr Coppell. Both looking at relegation if the results don't go right.
Interestingly, both club owners are decent blokes though ?
I agree although I suspect MM has a more ruthless streak
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