What a weekend it has been.
"Surprising Saturday" and "Day of the Underdogs" are two of the descriptions I have heard.
As if Barsnley's heroic win over Chelsea wasn't enough yesterday, Cardiff have made it a double by beating Middlesborough, who looked a complete shambles. Even Portsmouth's triumph over Manchester United was against predictions.
You have to wonder what on earth is going on. Is the gap between Premiership and Championship football narrowing? Is the passion for the FA cup competition and all it represents burning far stronger in the second division and below?
Whatever the reasons, everyone is saying it is one of the most exciting FA competitions ever.
I think there's something quite exciting about the football underclasses rebelling against the status quo.
Let's hope they don't lose their heads like the last leader of a peasant's revolt.
The ManUre loss made the Chelsea result easier in some ways, but it also made it worse when I think that Chelsea could have gone the full way then. Gah.
Hey ho! Its a hard life loving the Chels
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