Georgina is away playing. When I say playing, I mean she is playing her guitar with her music teacher. Her lover, is deputising on here tonight.
The guitar is a great instrument. Georgina has built on her knowledge of playing a violin as a child and remembered hard-won muscle memory and honed her voice into becoming a bit of a country diva. Her guitar teacher, George is a self -deprecating man of talent and energy. They play together really well. Better, probably than Georgina and the Bear play together.
This means I'm allowed to talk about football for a bit.
So, I love it that there are four teams from England in the quarter finals of the Champions league. Despite everything ; hardly any English players, tantrums, too much money and silliness.
I'm sad Leicester lost last night. I haven't read a match report but it's a sorry tale to hear about at the moment. I want them to do well for my girl's sake ! When I've been to The Walkers, it's always been rocking.
Do people believe in Holloway anymore.....please say ?
I'm happy Reading seem to be picking up a bit. Mr Madejski (despite what you may have heard) is an ok dude and a man who is business first.....and.....football madness....comes.....a distant second.
Measured passion. The best sort ?
I'm sad Georgina doesn't get to see this guy so often. Whenever she thinks of him, it goes straight to her head and heart. Oh no...sorry....wrong Jose'
To all you people who read this, keep visiting. George loves it when you comment.
Finally, and just because I can, I wanted to show you this.
The Bear
Just spent a little while looking over your blog Georgina, a sort of reciprocal gesture after you came to Salutsunderland.com the other day.
For Girls Who Can't Do football is very entertaining - I'd even exchange links if you wanted - but you are far too open-minded. You have to decide on one team - Leicester presumably - and stick with them. You cannot go around being reasonable and hope to be treated seriously as a fan. Then you can write a guest column for Salut! Sunderland when we play Leicester next season
Hey Mr. Georgina - since I am a footie newbie (besides being a clueless american), I'd like to suggest a topic for the next time you're at the controls.
How do us girls know when we're watching way too much football? Or is that even possible?
A previous commenter says we have to pick one team to watch. So I would have seen the Royals beat ManCity, but would have missed all those upsets in the FA Cup.
As a Leicester fan since the 1969 cup final I am also sorry that Leicetser lost the other night. I couldn't bring myself to look at any reports. On the plus side I watched Reading beat Man. City and thoroughly enjoyed it. So, Colin, I will have to disagree with you. I support two teams as does my son. I will admit though that underneath I am a Leicester supporter. I think it is Reading first for my son. And that is only right since this is where he was born and brought up.
colin randall: Welcome. And thanks for the kind words. Reasonable is something I am rarely called!
I'm not sure I totally agree about only supporting one team but I shan't say more as it has given me an idea for tonight's post! As for a guest slot on your blog I would be honoured!
Link duly attached :-)
pcso bloggs: Well your support is clearly pretty unequivocal. Thanks for dropping by. Even Liverpool fans are welcome (or is that too reasponable I wonder........ ROFL)
gina: I'm not sure if I can let Mr Georgina loose again. He has rather abused his position by putting so much Reading propaganda on here. I'm going to have to do some foxy manoeuvring to draw attention back to the important issues - like the survival of Leicester City
paul coombes: I like a man who bats for two sides
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